Derek Zoladz, MLIS :: Library Systems Analyst derekz@ohionet.org :: https://dzoladz.github.io/palni-ezproxy-webinar


Manage 60+ Instances

Private & Public Academics, Medical & Law Libraries

Integrations (LDAP, CAS, etc.)

| PALNI LIBRARIES | | | ------------ | --------------- | | Marian University | Hanover College | | St. Meinrad Seminary | Oakland City University | | DePauw University | Wabash College | | Taylor University | Christian Theological | | Trine University | Anabaptist Mennonite | | Concordia Theological | Ancilla College | | Manchester University | |


Components: Hosted Service, Setup, Reporting

Hosted Service

Server Provisioning

IP Allocation

Install EZproxy Application

Configure Application

Configure Authentication


All ongoing configuration and maintenance requests as your needs evolve

Behind the Scenes

Daily monitoring of server-level activity

Daily monitoring of anomalous proxy activity

Renewing SSL certificates to ensure secure HTTPS

Managing data center environment

Handle application version upgrades

Background updates to support platform changes

Active monitoring of mailing lists, vendors, etc...


All you need to do is get in contact us with any additions, deletions, and changes.

PALNI Support Form
We'll take care of it, normally the same day

HOWEVER: I encourage you forward anything you receive from a vendor to us.


Initial Setup, Third-Party IP Registration, Test & Troubleshoot

What's needed for setup?

Primary Project Contact & IT Partner

Campus IP Range

List of Subscription Resources


SAML-based (Shibboleth, ADFS, Azure AD)
Azure AD Premium 1 or E3 Subscription



Plain Text File

## **Timeframe** | **6-8 Weeks** | | | | ----------| ----------------------------- | | 3-4 weeks | Install & Configure Resources | | | Share proxy IP with vendors | | 2 weeks | Establish Authentication | | 1-2 weeks | Testing and Troubleshooting |

What you would need to do?

Contact subscription resource vendors

Provide campus logos & branding

IT Partner: authentication, firewalls, NAT

Prepend your EZproxy prefix to subscription URLs

Test setup and resources

Communicate with stakeholders


Resource Groups, Reporting, Statistics


Fine-Grained Authentication & Authorization

If auth:value eq "Student"; Group Main;
If auth:value eq "Law Student"; Group Main+Law;
If auth:value eq "Medical Student"; Group Main+Medical;
If auth:value eq "Alumni"; Group Alum;
If auth:value eq "Faculty"; Group Main+Law+Medical+Alum;



Advanced Web Statistics

open source log analysis tool

what it is not

An absolute source of truth

Use for trends

What it can do

Dates and times users are online

Unique vs. returning users

Top downloaded articles

Usage by provider (requires some Excel work)

Insight into technology needs


Guided walk through the user interface


Implementing additional tools


We are providing raw audit log data for local processing


$1300 for service, billed annually.

Waived: Initial one-time setup fee PALNI

Includes: Hosting, Monitoring, Upgrades, Server Maintenance, SSL certificate

Contact - Q&A

Derek Zoladz, MLIS :: Library Systems Analyst

email: derekz@ohionet.org https://www.ohionet.org/contact