
Home laboratory for experimental and reproducible research

This is the future location for all of my application hosting experiments at OhioNET that are unusable by the organization. The idea is to build an environment for continued independent learning in technological areas that are focused on developing custom library-adjacent research applications, but are well beyond the capacities of my day job.

Cluster Computing - Hardware

Raspberry Pi 4, Model B 4GB

K3s & Rancher

K3s Racnher Helm


  • diagram
  • hardware

Esmeralda Components

Traefik Portainer


K3s Kubernetes Distribution for ARM Processors

Network Description

Networking Gear and Diagram


Kubernetes management platform

Raspberry Pi Cluster

Raspberry Pi 4, Model B Cluster - Distributed Computing


Kubernetes package manager

Last modified November 26, 2021: Add devops section (0556058)