
Useful snippets for administering EZproxy

A snippet of fragments useful for administering EZproxy

Reject connections that originate from IPs outside of Ohio region.

Region codes should be specified using the two-character ISO 3166-2 subcountry code for the US.

GeoLite data must also be configured on EZproxy (see the Location section of the EZproxy manual).

Set access = "deny";
If Region() eq "OH"; Set access = "allow"
If access eq "deny"; Deny irefused.htm

Regex for use in the main authentication block. Deny all access, unless the location contains OH, IA, OR MI in the string.

Set access = "deny";
If Region() =~ "/.*(OH|IA|MI).*/"; Set access = "allow"
If access eq "deny"; Deny irefused.htm

The above should be placed before any IfRefused; Deny irefused.htm or IfExpired; Deny iexpired.htm directives in the main authentication block.

It’s also possible to restrict authentication to US-based IPs, using the IfCountry function. IfCountry used the two-letter ISO 3166 Country Codes.

Set access = "deny";
IfCountry US; Set access = "allow"
If access eq "deny"; Deny irefused.htm

NOTE: The above snippet of code needs to be placed within the authentication block to be actively restriction authentication attempts that originate from a non-US country code.

Supply Resource Credentials within an iFrame

There are times when you might need to Find/Replace username and password values within an <iframe> element The example below is a working draft of two auto-triggered functions to input credentials into the proper form fields.

Find </iframe>
Replace </iframe><script>(function() { setTimeout(function() {window.frames[0].document.getElementById('username').value = "USERNAME";}, 1000); })();(function() { setTimeout(function() {window.frames[0].document.getElementById('password').value = "PASSWORD";}, 1000); })();</script>

Regex Validation of SAML Attributes in the Auth: Namespace

SAML authorization check, within shibuser.txt, against the userid attribute released to EZproxy

Authorize userid, if it begins with 1, 3, or 5. Otherwise, record userid and deny with itype.htm

If !(auth:userid =~ "/^(1|3|5).+$/"); Audit -expr auth:userid; Deny itype.htm; Stop

Grab Username, When EZproxy Login with Email Address

This function uses an onclick event hook, i.e. <input onclick="processUsername()" type="submit" value="Sign in">

function processUsername() {
  var email = document.getElementsByName('user')[0].value;
  var username = email.split('@')[0];
	document.getElementsByName('user')[0].value = username;
	console.log('the username value submitted is: ' + document.getElementsByName('user')[0].value);

Auto-trigger attribute replacement via EZproxy Find/Replace

(function() {
        var url = document.getElementById('ctl00_BodyContent_ucShare_txtTitleURL').value;
        var fixed_url = url.replace('fod.infobase.com', 'fod-infobase-com');
        document.getElementById('ctl00_BodyContent_ucShare_txtTitleURL').setAttribute('value', fixed_url);

This is an example Find/Replace directive which adds jQuery to the OhioLINK Electronic Journal Center’s UI to rewrite article permalinks by prepending a proxy prefix to any RAVE URLs on the item details interface.

Find </body>
Replace <script type="text/javascript">$(document).ready(function() {if (window.location.href.indexOf("bw.opal-libraries.org") > -1) {$('a[href*="rave.ohiolink.edu"]').each(function() {var href=$(this).prop('href');var prefix='https://login.bw.opal-libraries.org/login?url=';var result=prefix+href;$(this).attr("href", result);$(this).text(result);console.log(result);});}});</script></body>

Cron Jobs for Monitoring Activity

10 0 * * * find /usr/local -name messages.txt | xargs grep -E "Unrecognized|DANGER|hosts\s36[0-9][0-9]" | mail -E -s "EZproxy Warning Messages" -a "From: root \<root@{hostname}\>" recipient@derekzoladz.com

20 0 * * * find /usr/local/ezproxy/audit/$(date --date='yesterday' "+\%Y\%m\%d").txt -type f | xargs grep -E "exceeded" | mail -E -s "EZproxy Exceeding Usage Limit" -a "From: root \<root@{hostname}\>" recipient@derekzoladz.com

30 0 * * * find /usr/local/ezproxy/audit/$(date --date='yesterday' "+\%Y\%m\%d").txt -type f -print| xargs grep -E "Login.Intruder.IP" | mail -E -s "EZproxy Login.Intruder.IP" -a "From: root \<root@{hostname}\>" recipient@derekzoladz.com

40 0 * * * find /usr/local/ezproxy/audit/$(date --date='yesterday' "+\%Y\%m\%d").txt -type f -print | xargs grep -E "Session.ReconnectBlocked" | mail -E -s "EZproxy Session.ReconnectBlocked" -a "From: root \<root@{hostname}\>" recipient@derekzoladz.com

00 8 * * 1-5 find /usr/local/ezproxy/cookies -cmin +720 -type f | mail -E -s "EZproxy Sessions Over 12 Hours" -a "From: root \<root@{hostname}\>" recipient@derekzoladz.com

DOI System - Strip Parameters from DOIs

Although valid extensions of the Document Object Model, passing parameters in the doi can cause resolution issues within EZproxy sessions.


SPUEditVar proxy_login=login?url=
SPUEdit @^(https:\/\/doi.org\/)(10.[0-9]*\/)([0-9]*)(\?locatt=label.*)$@${proxy_login}$1$2$3@ir

DOI System - Force Legacy Mode

Force DOI system resolution to the platform of the primary depositor using mode:legacy

SPUEditVar proxy_login=login?url=
SPUEditVar legacy_mode=?locatt=mode:legacy
SPUEdit @^(https:\/\/doi.org\/)(10.[0-9]*\/)([0-9]*)(\?locatt=label.*)$@${proxy_login}$1$2$3${legacy_mode}@ir

Group-based Access to /Loggedin Files

  1. In user.txt, create the authenticated group
  1. Establish a ../loggedin/ directory for the named Group from user.txt

Issue a Manual Call to the Sierra Patron API

Given a Sierra Patron Record containing P BARCODE[pb]=fakeuser1234

curl --interface eth0:48 https://{sierra-server-domain}:54620/PATRONAPI/fakeuser1234/dump

If successful, the call will return patron data; otherwise, a failure message will be returned with additional information to diagnose the issue. For example:

ERRMSG=Record ID not unique<BR>

Temp Access, III Server Migrations

Migrating from local to III-hosted Sierra involves 6-8 hours of server downtime. If EZproxy relies on the Sierra Patron API for authentication, remote database access will be unavailable during the server migration. The following snippet will present /login.htm to the user, but will accept credentials and grant access to all. Use with extreme caution.

Host https://sierra.catalog.org:54620
IfRefused; Ignore
IfInvalid; Ignore
IfUnauthenticated; Stop

Transparent Language & SAML-based SSO

When accessing Ohio’s statewide subscription to Transparent Language Online though an EZProxy instance that connects tp a SAML-based authentication server, the platform will not recognize the IP to allow people to sign up. This solution basically forces everyone to log into EZproxy, but with a RedirectSafe entry so that Transparent Language can look for your EZproxy Referer.

In config.txt, you’ll add the following stanza above any ExcludeIP directives.

# -------------------------------------------------------
# **All users must authenticate through ezproxy**
T Transparent Language Redirect
U -Refresh transparent-language https://library.transparent.com/ohio
T Transparent Language
U https://library.transparent.com/ohio
HJ library.transparent.com
DJ transparent.com
NeverProxy transparent.com
NeverProxy library.transparent.com
# -------------------------------------------------------

The contents of the HTML file placed in the docs/limited/transparent_langauges.htm file are as follows:

  <meta name="referrer" content="always">
    <META http-equiv="refresh" content="0;URL=https://library.transparent.com/ohio">
  <title>Redirecting to Transparent Languages</title>
<script>window.opener = null; location.replace("https://library.transparent.com/ohio")</script>

The SPU for Transparent Languages becomes:

https://login.{EZproxy Hostname}/limited/transparent_languages.htm