
A few commonly used mailman commands to make my life more enjoyable. Find binaries in /usr/lib/mailman/bin

Mailman Operator Binaries

  1. Remove an email address from all lists on the server remove_members --fromall --nouserack

  2. Add a single user to a list echo '' | add_members -r - listname

  3. List Membership list_members listname

  4. Export Member List for Migration list_members --fullnames -o membership.txt listname

  5. List All Mailing Lists list_lists

  6. Find a Member in All Lists find_member

Migration Tasks

Mailman provides a few scripts to assist with migration tasks. Check out those scripts to see if something is already available for a specific task before using the one-liners below.

  1. Move List Archives to Another Server
scp -r /path/to/list_archive
  1. Fix the Hostname in *.html Archive Files
find . -type f -name "*.html" -print0 | xargs -0 sed -e 's/'
Last modified September 24, 2021: MODIFY: add migration tasks section (a2f43aa)