Expanding Volumes

Provision additional storage on Ubuntu

At some point, you’re going to run out of space and need to provision some additional storage.


  • Expand Volume Capacity
  • Expand Partition to Volume Capacity
  • Extend Filesystem to the size of partition

You’ll need to know a few things like:

What block devices are available?
What filesystem am I using on a partition?
file -s /dev/sda1
lsblk -f
What is the current capacity of storage in the filesystem?
df -h
Grow the first partition to the size of the volume
growpart /dev/sda 1
Resize the filesystem to the size of the partition

command specific to filesystem used, this for ext

resize2fs /dev/sda1
List disk usage -s summarize of a user
du -hs /home/marcload
Last modified February 15, 2024: reorg 1 (e141563)