
🤷 Linux package management


What is a Package?

An archive file format containing source code, executable files, and metadata used by a package manager.

What is a Package Manager?

A tool to manage installed applications, automatically compute dependencies, and figure out what things should occur to install packages.

Debian-based (Debian, Ubuntu)

Package Format

.deb package format .snap (single, compressed filesystem)

Package Manager

dpkg - can install .deb directly apt - works with software repos

# Example - Search for a linux-image and install it.
apt search linux-image | grep linux-image-4.18.0-22-generic
apt install linux-image-4.18.0-22-generic

RedHat-based (Fedora, CentOS, Amazon Linux)

Package format

.rpm package format

Package Manager

yum - works with software repos dnf

Last modified February 15, 2024: reorg 1 (e141563)