SysAdmin Tasks

A collection commands for tasks that I’ve needed to perform multiple times.

Convert PuTTY SSH2 Public Key to OpenSSH

ssh-keygen -if >>

Identify Responding Server

curl -s -I|sed -n 's/^S[erv]*: //p'

Byte Order Mark (BOM)

When EZproxy configuration files are edited in Microsoft NotePad, EZproxy will complain - upon restart - about the single byte character  that begins the config.txt file. EZproxy expects UTF-8 encoding that does not start with a non-ASCII byte, like a BOM.

Using vim, does current file have a BOM?

:set bomb?

Remove BOM and write file back to disk:

:set nobomb

Because I can never remember the command I need

wc -l <file>

Delete Old Kernels, Classic Version

uname -r # the kernel in use
dpkg -l | grep linux-image | awk '{print$2}'
apt remove --purge linux-image-3.1.0-131-generic

Convert .mov -> .mp4 With FFMPEG

ffmpeg -i -vcodec h264 -acodec mp2 Untitled.mp4

Convert .pdf -> .jpg with ImageMagick

# %d will iterate using 1 digit, %3d 3 digits
convert -density 150 art.pdf -quality 90 %d.jpg

Find the Size of a Directory

du -hs /path/to/directory

Locate all files with a specific name in the entire directory and search through those files for a line of text using regex, sort

find . -iname config.txt -exec grep "^[A-Za-z ]*\.ohionet\.org" {} \; -print | grep Name | sort

Imagemagick, Convert to Progressive JPEG

entire directory

mogrify -interlace plane *.jpg

single file

convert inputfile.jpg -interlace plane outputfile.jpg

Progressive JPEG will state, Interlace: JPEG

identify -verbose file.jpg


# Minutes flag
-mmin +360

# Days flag
-mtime +7

# Include only files with an extension of 'txt'
find /sftp/plc/incoming/ -type f -name '*.txt' -print0

# Exclude any directories with a name that start with 'pl'. Include only files older than 30 hours.
find /sftp/[^pl]*/incoming/ -type f -mmin +1800  -print0

# Include directories with a specific name. Remove all matching files that are older than 30 hours.
find /sftp/[\(antioch\|findlay\|franciscan\|wilmington\)]*/incoming/ -type f -mmin +1800  -print0 | xargs -r0 rm --

Tuning with Sysctl

File Location on Ubuntu

nano -w /etc/sysctl.conf

Count instances of SYN received

netstat -ant|grep SYN_RECV|wc -l

Check States

netstat -nta | egrep "State|443"
netstat -nta | egrep "State|80"

Check Current Value for Parameter

sysctl -n net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies
sysctl -n net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog
sysctl -n net.ipv4.tcp_synack_retries
sysctl -n net.core.somaxconn

Reload configuration

sysctl -p

Batch Updating Files on the Server

Find files owned by a user

#find {path} -user {username}
find /usr/local -user derek

Find files assigned to a group

find {path} -group {username}
find /usr/local -group derek

Change Ownership or Group

#chown --from=olduser newuser * -R
chown --from=david derek * -R
chown --from=:1053 :derek * -R

Show Me the Redirects!

wget 2>&1 | grep Location:
Last modified February 15, 2024: reorg 1 (e141563)